Thursday, October 26, 2023
In loving memory of Clara Bazyluk who passed away on October 11.2023
Remember me,when lam gone
Gone far away into the silent land.
When you can hold me.
By the other hand.
You tell me our future you plan.
Only remember me you understand.
It will be late to counsel then to pray.
Yes if you should forget me.
And afterwards remember me
Dont not grieve,
For the darkness and corruption leave.
A vestige of thoughts,
That we had of you.
Better by for you should forget
Than that you should remember and be happy,
We are sad.
That you are leaving us Claire.
We trust that one day we meet.
One day Claire in God's home.
Sadly missed by her daughter's
and Sons. And her loving husband and all the relatives of the Bazlar family. And her special And her special friend
Warren Paul.